Red, Mediterranean, Arabian, and Caspian. Just kidding. I mean the four C's of marketing. Clients, Cost, Communication, and Convenience. We learned these today, and did more marketing based case studies. You could say I'm partially pro. Or you couldn't. Whatever. Today was another cluster dinner. Peruvian food. Mostly chicken. Some rice and beans. It's a rough life for vegetarians. Training for the Olympics. Frisbee. Ultimate style. The new book is interesting. So are loans. Interesty. Henry Shangguan, you are now on my blog. Congratulations. I'm pretty proud of this one. Today's "activity". Watching Ferris Bueller's day off. My humble house.
Today, I presented my case study on Diebold. They make ATMs and electronic voting machines. Diebold, you sly dog. You and your clever strategies to entering new markets. You and your success. Today was the first day I didn't do some sport for the daily activity. Instead, I played monopoly. But it was an incredible game of monopoly. I also forgot to take pictures today. I don't think you all realize how bad that is. I also taught Joega this morning. It's like yoga, but better. Essential oils are pretty much magic. There was practice for the Olympics. Ultimate frisbee style. My ankles. My ankles are hurt. And, we started a new book today. It's too early to know what I think about it yet. But it's interesting. That about wraps this post up like a Sushirrito. I have nothing more to say as of this moment. That was to get your attention. For some reason, I'm getting a strong vibe that you guys really want to know the steps to developing an export strategy. So here. 1. Identify a potential market. 2. Match needs to abilities. 3. Initiate meetings. 4. Commit resources. Well, now you know. Today, we learned about a whole bunch of exporting strategies. Licensing, franchising, and joint ventures are just a few on the list. I am ready to take notes. This is my vandalized desk. I'll make you pay for that, Mariah. I realize that I haven't been logging hours. I've been putting in at least 4 hours every weekday, with the exception of the Fed field trip. This includes homework and class time. It feels a lot like school. But way better and stuff. Also, I did Bikram yoga today, without the heat. There's that. The days are counting down. Quickly. This is all I got. Nothing much happened today. I called home and facetimed. Hi everyone. It's Friday night. Or maybe Saturday morning. These things kind of blur with each other. Either way, this post will be covering the events of Friday, July 26th. It was the second real classroom day this week. We learned about the differences between profitability and profit growth. Remember, revenue = total money earned. Profit is revenue minus costs. Thanks for being a good sport, Mr. Hao. We also learned about value creation. We have a little chart with price, cost, and value. There was a little section about customer service and experience effect, and economies of scale. I feel so much smarter than when I started. Later that day, I played volleyball. I kicked butt. Just kidding. I'm too out of practice. Then we helped our friend go to downtown Palo Alto to catch up with his group. This is Julia. I taught her how to solve a Rubik's Cube. She also wanted to be on my blog. You better see this, Julia. I can't believe that week two is pretty much over. It went by so fast. So very fast. Now that it's Friday, (or maybe Saturday, I discussed this before) I can see that my time here at Stanford is not very long. It encourages me to take advantage of this even more than I already am. this can be a metaphor for life, everyone. You need to realize that your time on this earth is not very long. Do what matters. Make a difference. Inspire people by writing a blog. (This only works if your name is Joe.) Goodbye. I'll not see you all tomorrow evening. But I'll write at you. I tried posting my rant. I really did. But I just can't. The app won't allow it. Today, we took a tour of the San Francisco Federal Reserve building. The tour was cool, but we weren't allowed to take pictures. There was also a lot they didn't show us, for security reasons. No one has ever tried robbing it. While we were downtown by the ferry building, there was an explosion in a trashcan just a little further away. Bomb? Maybe. Gas leak? Maybe. Construction? Maybe. It happened around 1:05 pm on July 25th. Is you see something in the news, tell me. I'm curious. The police and fire department showed up. It was pretty intense. Before all that, we went to a sushi burrito restaurant called Sushirrito. Would you like a picture of a half eaten vegetarian sushi burrito? I think you would. I got back to Tri Delt and played basketball like pro (a professional loser) and then went to dinner. It was a very exciting day, and I'm glad that I got to see downtown San Francisco. It's really cool. Today, I got to sleep in. That's almost good enough for a blogpost. We wrote an essay on the federal reserve. But mine was really just a rant. I'll post it here for you all. Later, we combined with the legal studies class and learned some tactics of negotiation and contracts. It seems like a really interesting class. I also played soccer today. I'm pretty out of practice. I'm also kind of tired right now, so sorry for such a short post. Goodnight. Today, I took pictures of everything I did throughout the day. A day in the Stanford Educational Program for Gifted Youth life of Joe through photographic multimedia. Our global business class combined with the legal studies class, and they looked very overwhelmed. But honestly, I'm sure we all felt that way. I actually counted today, and I put in 5 hours of class time and work. We did another case study on IKEA. I learned that IKEA is actually an acronym for Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd. I also learned about Porter's five forces. Supplier Power, Buyer Power, Competitive Rivalry, Threat of Substitution, and Threat of New Entry are all valuable analysis tools in making important business decisions. Later, I walked around campus with some friends and saw a whole bunch of cool things. One of the coolest was the color changing magic wall of destiny. Tomorrow, my class is joining with the legal studies class, and I'm sure we'll be just as overwhelmed. The main subject today in class was the SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It's a way of making effective decisions and weighing benefits and costs. You compare the strengths of your business with the weaknesses, and analyze opportunities alongside threats. Based on that data, you can make effective recommendations to the firm you are trying to assist. We receive a case in our book. The one we worked on today was the cultural changes in Japan's Matsushita/Panasonic company. We used the SWOT method to make recommendations as to what they should effectively do to remedy their situation. Today, while I was working on the case, I had about a page typed up and ready to go. I saved it to a flash drive, and then it disappeared. I had to do the ENTIRE thing again. This time I used google docs. It worked. I spent 4 hours today working on class work and studying. Today, I also went on a hike to the Stanfird Dish. There were some great views of the campus and bay, but they couldn't compare to back home in Utah. I was also told that I have a Canadian accent. I also taught several people the art of shimmying up lamp posts. I'm learning some pretty heavy stuff right now, like trade practices of the United Arab Emirates. But it's all good. It's all good Today was a major relaxing day. I slept in, ate breakfast, did nothing, went to church in Palo Alto, did some more nothing, ate dinner followed by more nothing, had a FaceTime call with my family, and then some more nothing. I wish I had more to post about, but I got nothing. I can't believe that week one is over. It seems like EPGY just started. I'm looking forward to classes next week. |